Our Year in Review 2022-2023

Collage of several photos of people at Kaibosh and partners, with boxes of rescued kai. Kaibosh logo at top of image.


Nov 23


The past year has been a year of consolidation for Kaibosh. For the second year running we were able to distribute over 2 million meals worth of good, rescued food to our communities in the Greater Wellington Region.

After the trials of COVID-19, it has been great to be able to focus on business as usual getting good food to those who need it, with far fewer distractions and disruptions seen in previous years.

Our team have been working hard to be innovative in finding new types of food donors and looking for new streams of funding to ensure we can continue to meet the needs of our community.

Read or download our Annual Review here (PDF file 1.6 MB).


Year at a glance

In the 12 month period between July 2022 and June 2023, Kaibosh rescued and redistributed 743,929kg of quality surplus food. This equates to 2,125,509 meals worth of kai for people in our communities, while also saving 197,140 kg CO2 equivalent in emissions released, that would have been created had that food ended up rotting in landfill.
Graphic says Our Year at a Glance with left to right: weight icon saying 743,929kg, plate icon saying 2,125,509 meals, leaf icon saying 197,140kg co2e.

Our volunteers

We are only able to achieve this level of positive impact for our communities and the environment, with the contribution from our volunteers. Between July 2022 – June 2023 over 6,000 volunteer hours were gifted to Kaibosh, to support our important mahi.

Around 150 dedicated people choose to gift their time to Kaibosh on an ongoing basis. They volunteer in roles such as food sorters, food rescue driver support or operations support. Thank you all!Graphic says Our Volunteers at a Glance, with a number of statistics and pie charts displayed.

2023 & looking to the future

Kaibosh turned 15 in 2023! We couldn’t continue to do what we do without the support of you, our community.

As with all charities, we hope that one day we won’t have to exist – in a world with no food poverty and no food waste. But, for now we will keep on with our mahi to ensure food feeds people and isn’t needlessly wasted.

Together, with your help we can make a difference.

If you’d like to help our important mahi please consider:

Giving Food,

Donating Funds,

or Volunteering at one of our three hubs, in Pōneke, Petone or Paraparaumu.


Thank you for supporting Kaibosh.