Give a Meal in May – 2023 videos feature our community


May 23


Banner image -Kaibosh helps our tamariki have the energy to thrive - Arohanui Strings.

At Kaibosh we believe that by working together, we can create a world where everyone has access to healthy, nutritious food.

Give a Meal in May and help us get good kai to people who need it most.

Check out our latest series of short videos below, featuring some of ou partner community groups and volunteers.

We’re working together to help alleviate food insecurity in our communities in the Greater Wellington Region.

You can help us get more good kai to the community – Give a Meal in May and let’s make a difference together!

New videos for Kaibosh 2023 appeal

Watch our series of videos with some of our partner community groups: Ekta NZ, Waikanae Food Share, Ōrongomai Marae, Strathmore Park Community Centers.

Through our collective mahi, we’re making a positive impact for people and for the environment.

Donate to Kaibosh today

Every $20 helps us to provide 40 meals worth of good kai to the community.$20 donated to Kaibosh funds 14kg of food rescued, reducing CO2 by 3.7kg and provides 40 meals to the community.