Kaibosh Earthquake A-Peel

Update: Thanks for your generous support! The Kaibosh Earthquake A-Peel has closed, and thanks to your help our Wellington City branch now has a new home at 3 Myrtle Crescent, Mount Cook.

Photo: One Percent Collective

Kaibosh’s Wellington City branch was evacuated from our Tennyson Street building after the recent earthquakes, with no access for the following weeks – which has made rescuing and providing fresh, healthy food a lot trickier.

Donate now to help us to get into a new home and back on an even peel.

Since the earthquakes, our Wellington City team has been working out of the back of our truck and a pop-up at the Wellington City Mission. We’re doing all we can to support our community, but we’ll be honest – being out of our premises has made our work infinitely harder.

As well as getting tonnes of quality surplus food to those who need it most, we’re now looking for a new home. We’ve just got access to our building, but have committed to setting up somewhere new so we can be sure that our staff and volunteers are comfortable and confident being at Kaibosh.

We’ll need to cover the costs of our team moving and rebuilding everything, including our food sorting area, storage and walk-in chiller – which, for a small community organisation like Kaibosh, is big money.

We’re determined to come through this stronger than ever and keep helping our community – and we know that with the generosity and goodwill of people like you, we can.

Thanks to our friends at All Good Bananas, we’ll be giving away bananas around Wellington over the next couple of weeks and encouraging people to donate to Kaibosh at this time of need.


Turn our frown upside down by:

Moving to a new home and getting up and running will cost a bunch.

Can you chip in at this slippery time? We’d find you quite a-peeling if you did!